Country: Poland
Title: The Eerie Glow of Darkness
Label: The End of Time Records
Year: 2017
Style: Black Metal
The second full-length album from Polish Architect of Desease comes 4 years after their debut was released and features 8 new tracks for a total duration of 45 minutes, so there's plenty of stuff to get your teeth into. The band plays and abrasive, aggressive and offensive type of Black Metal but there are also plenty of influences thrown inthere this time, and as varied as Progressive or Death Metal, Post-Metal or Thrash, their music is more open to experimentation than one might think at first, and the members' technical skills definitely allow them to experiment in a professional, progressive way. Actually the instrumental part of this album is pretty impressive, if you'll give it a chance and spend a few spins on it, you'll discover plenty of harmonies you actually haven't heard before or better said haven't heard played in this matter or in this particular mix. The problem comes with the vocal part, at least for me it didn't to no good to this album, if at first I found them good, opening and maintaining a decaying, cavernous, horrifying atmosphere, advancing deep into this album I found them taking way too much space, more than they should, to a point I found them quite annoying. In my opinion, if the vocals would have been better calculated this albumm could have made my day, this way after a spin I have to take a break.