Country: Sweden
Title: Reborn
Label: Sliptrick Records
Year: 2017
Style: Black Death Metal
Founded back in 2012 as a solo project of Henrik Eriksson, Necrophor soon evolves into a real band when he recruits two of his fellow Stormrider mates. The three releases three demos until becoming a quartet and starting to work on their debut album, the one I'll talk about here, Reborn, a 9 tracks effort recorded in the legendary Sunlight Studio with the euqally legendary Thomas Skogsberg, but one that doesn't sound at all like the most known names who recorded inhere. To be honest it first made me think of Lord Belial, it has that same evil, mystical atmosphere surrounding all the tracks although the make little use of keyboards for that, and they also add plenty of Death Metal influences to make things more oppressive. Some guitar leads and riffs are absolutely delicious, they'll make you "rewind" and listen again, and this makes me think if this material would have been released in the '90's Necrophor would have been among the best known names hailing from Sweden nowadays. 46 minutes of oppressive sinister music for fans of Lord Belial, Dark Funeral or Dissection, delivering both heavy mid-tempo and headbanging fast paced rhythms to make you go mad. '90's teens like myself will go ape-shit for this material!
Reviewed by Adrian
Rating: 8.5/10