Country: Germany
Title: Metal Fire
Label: Iron Shield Records
Year: 2019
Style: Heavy Power Thrash Metal

It's all about metal here, or what what that matters in all of this band's career under this moniker as they were also active for a few years in the '80's under the Headless band name. Metall as it is now was started in 2013 and released a full-length album in 2017, and here we have the followup opus, an 8 tracks (plus a bonus, a German version of one of the eight tracks, Easy Rider) effort clocking a bit over 40 minutes of playing time. After the audition I can agree with them 100%, this is all about Metal in a few of it's forms, better said a combination of Heavy, Power and Thrash Metal, quite generic sounding but with plenty of headbanging-friendly moments, a music that's most probably much more suitable for live shows than listening at home as it gives you that pump of energy you'd love to feel while at a live show. The production is excellent, the execution as well (it's all curdled here and it all feels natural and easy flowing, which only a band with serious experience can do; it wouldn't be fair to mention a particular instrument or musician as all do their job pretty well here), the only problem is the album comes with nothing new or surprising, and execept for the previously mentioned track Easy Rider there are not many memorable moments on it, plus that at times it sounds too much like Judas Priest. A fun album for the ones of you looking for true, fierce, traditional Metal, try it out. Comes in CD format with 16 pages booklet. 
Reviewed by Adrian
Rating: 7.5/10

