Band: ORSO
Country: Switzerland
Title: Paninoteca
Label: Czar Of Crickets
Year: 2019
Style: Post-Hardcore Post-Metal

Really weird name for an album, even being it a Post-something album; Paninoteca might have a deeper meaning behind it's title and behind the song titles, as well as it could have no meaning at all other than just what they are (and to be frank, Orso is as weird as a name for the band, too). The band was formed back in 2015 and after an EP, Primi Piatti (First Dishes), released a year later, they went working for this debut full-length album that sees the light of the day in 2019 as an Instrumental mix of Progressive Rock, Post Metal and Post Hardcore influenced by bands like Neurosis or Cult of Luna. Being it an instrumental work it will certainly appeal to more listeners than just the Post Metal followers, me included, I have enjoyed this material even though I'm quite far from the targeted audience. The first thing that hits you is how upfront the bass lines are mixed and how important they actually are within the whole atmosphere of this album, then you start noticing how complex the drums are and how moody the guitar work is, all of these building up a melancholic at times serene at others, heavy, breezy and nostalgic material. 
Reviewed by Adrian
Rating: -/10

