Please tell us a few words about the new release, about the music on it as a whole or a few words on each track in part. How are you happy with the final release?
Dark Embrace have just released a new album called 'The Call of the Wolves' and it's an amazing metal album with dark touches and penetrating atmosphere. We're happy with the final release, it's different from other new albums and bands and it has been done with the highest sound quality. It's an album that deserves to become classic into the metal scene.
How would you describe/label the music on it? Does it sounds like anything we might have heard before?
It's really hard to label the music of the new album, anyway I think we can labeled as DARK METAL. It doesn't sound as any band you've listened before, you can hear the influences but it's really difficult to compare with other band.
Where was it recorded and how much time did it take you to record it? Any interesting stories from the recording/producing the material?
The recording sessions took place through Sweden and Spain at Sound Industry Studios and Estudios Mafia. The mastering of the album was done by well-known Swedish producer Jens Bogren (Kreator, Opeth, Paradise Lost, Moonspell, Amorphis or Dark Tranquillity among others) at Fascination Street Studios. It took to record around one week and it was recorded by Oscar Rilo and Snowy Shaw.
What can you tell us about the cover artwork? Is there a link between the artwork and the lyrics? What are the topics of your lyrics?
The artwork was created by master drawing Gustavo Sazes who already did works for Arch Enemy, Morbid Angel or Kamelot. It represents the album title, The Call of the Wolves, perfectly.
THe topics of lyrics are about family mainly, but also about love, life, metal music, feelings....
What do you expect to gain through this release? What are the band's aims at the moment?
After this release, we will embark in some tours and play some festivals. After that we will see how it was, but at the moment the feedback is being absolutly great. Our goals for this album are 2: playing live a big amount of shows and promotion everywhere. After that, we will start recording a new album.
Is there a special format the material is released in? Or is it released in multiple formats? How many copies were pressed?
At the moment, the album was released only in CD (and all digital ways) but I don't really know how many copies were pressed by our label 7 Hard Records. As far as I know, it's selling pretty well.
Where and how will you promote this new release?
Where? On stage! How? Playing live!
Where can we order it from?
There are a lot of places to order the album, for example Amazon:
December 2017