Country: Canada
Title: ...and the Beast Spake Death from Above
Label: Hammer of Damnation
Year: 2018
Style: Black Death Metal

Whoa, man, labeling this music as Black Death Metal seems to do no justice at all to what happens on this debut album signed by Canadian The Black Sorcery, the eight tracks featured in half an hour are absolutely out of this world brutal. Even brutal seems to be a kind word for what happens here, this is complete and utter debauchery, visceral and merciless violence and totally demonic atmosphere, I can't even find my words to describe it. Yes, the combination of downtuned growls with animalic screams and shrieks is the primary reason I find this an absolutely terrifying music because the instrumental part, although (mostly) fast paced, obscure sounding and violent is not something you'll hear for the first time, or I should better say the combination is the winner here. Look at the demon on the cover art destroying a whole city, it perfectly portrays the kind of devastation happening here. I'm speechless, this is maybe the most brutal release I've heard in 2019 so obviously I recommend you to check it out yourselves; except for a bit more variety on the instrumental part (and better guitar solos, the ones featured here are a joke) I couldn't ask for more from this band. They also have a new album out this year I should check right away, and probably you should, too.
Reviewed by Adrian
Rating: 8/10


