Underground DEMOlition Vol.6
All tracks are taken from the bands Bandcamp pages by downloading their material (most of it, if not all, is available for free download from them directly), we mean no copyright infringement, this video is not and will never be monetized!
All demos released between 1 March - 14 March 2021! Support the bands!
01. Antikythaera (Raw Atmospheric Black Metal, NA) - Untitled
- taken from Untitled - https://antikythaera.bandcamp.com/
02. Barren (Death Grind Crust, Belgium) - Catharsis
- taken from Demo 2021 - https://barrenchainsawgrind.bandcamp.com/
03. Beerserker (Speed Metal, Turkey) - Wild Blood
- taken from Demo - https://beerserker.bandcamp.com/
04. Bile (Brutal Deah Grind, UK) - Alive And Not Stoked On It
- taken from Demo '21 - https://nonesobile.bandcamp.com/
05. Disfigured Abomination (Slam Brutal Death Metal, Germany )- SIZE MATTERS
- taken from Size Matters - https://disfiguredabomination.bandcamp.com/
06. Dominus Mortis (Black Metal, USA) - Behind The Gates
- taken from Demo II - https://dominusmortis.bandcamp.com/
07. Etat Limite (Atmospheric Black Metal, France) - Anabase nocturne
- taken from Anabase Nocturne - https://sexmoonwarfuck.bandcamp.com/
08. Gorefed (Death Metal, USA) - Rib Shank
- taken from Demo EP - https://gorefed.bandcamp.com/
09. Karthus (Raw Black Metal, USA) - Winter Wind
- taken from Demo I - https://karthus.bandcamp.com/
10. Lamentia (Atmospheric Death/Doom Metal, Australia) - This World is not Long for Us
- taken from Lamentia - https://lamentia-au.bandcamp.com/
11. Nocturnal Serpent (Black Metal, USA) - Blood Warriors
- taken from Abandoned by the Light of God - https://nocturnalserpent.bandcamp.com/
12. Organ Failure (Death Gore Grind, USA) - Red Market
- taken from Demo - https://organfailuregore.bandcamp.com/
13. Practical Gore (Thrash Metal Crossover, USA) - Scare Squad
- taken from The Practical Demo - https://practicalgore.bandcamp.com/
14. Reaver (Death Metal, USA) - Seven Ways to Die
- taken from Butchery from Beyond! - https://reaverdeathmetal.bandcamp.com/
15. Skorbvstr (Raw Black Metal, USA) - Konge Skummelt
- taken from Hedensk - https://skorbvstr.bandcamp.com/
16. Subterranean (Funeral Doom Metal, USA) - Cerebral Internment
- taken from A Myriad of Eyes - https://subterraneandoom.bandcamp.com/
Our top 3 (this was the toughest so far):
1. Barren - Catharsis
2. Etat Limite - Anabase nocturne
3. Reaver - Seven Ways to Die