Country: Russia
Title: Magia Posthuma: The Inmost Darkness - Second Phenomenon
Label: Iron, Blood and Death Corporation
Year: 2018
Style: Black Metal

Now this is really old-school Black Metal! That type of Black Metal that hasn't yet evolved much apart from Thrash and Death Metal, brutal and visceral to the bone. Black Goat from Russia are back with their third full-length album and for my shame this is the first time I stumble upon their name and music, so to be honest at first when I pushed play I have little to no expectations, especially hearing this rehearsal-like sound quality and the obvious execution mistakes that pop up here and there, but soon I understood these are all part of the plan, well-thought and intended to enhance that rough, organic structure and overcome of the 8 tracks featured here. Balancing between fast, bestial, demented Brutal Metal passages and hypnotic, occult, ritualistic parts, Magia Posthuma really sounds like a posthumous magic journey ousting of death stench. think beginning of the '90's Black Death Metal and add a fine obscure melodic touch and you get the point, yet by melodic I mean a totally dark, raw, sinister melody, not something you'd impress your girlfriend with; when horror and Extreme Metal combine well together this happens.
Reviewed by Adrian
Rating: 9/10

