Country: Switzerland
Title: Ominous Eradication Of Anguished Souls
Label: Godz ov War Productions
Year: 2018
Style: Black Metal

Lykhaeon was founded in 2013 and debuted with a full-length album two years after. This is the followup release, a two tracks EP clocking 26 minutes (!) of absolutely devastating Black Metal, fast paced and so dense and menacing it feels like fucking lava, a continuous assault on all your senses, so this is absolutely not an easy listening. The roots of this music are clearly Black Metal, but the density and oppression it generates are influences coming from Death Metal and even Doom Metal to a point their mix sounds like the bowels of hell, and if I were to describe it based on what I hear I'd say: tormented souls screaming and cursing, demons growling, lava pouring all over, and suffocating gases affecting not only your smell but also your sight. Wow, what an apocalyptic release this is, just wow! Unfortunately the physical format of this release isn't that good as it's almost impossible to read anything on the digipak pages, even the band name or EP title are almost nonexistent, they probably didn't take into consideration the fact factories print in a darker scale than the images actually are. 
Reviewed by Adrian
Rating: 8.5/10

