Country: Czech Republic
Title: Death Is Hidden in the Plastic / Deviation
Label: Parat Productions
Year: 2017
Style: Death Metal / Grindcore

Split promoted by the legendary Czech magazine Parat, distributed for free with the magazine, so for the two bands featured here this should be a total gasp of air; kudos for the magazine for giving "voice" to young blood, too (although one of the bands, Histos, is around since the '90's but remained at demo stage until now). 
Opening are Marana, a band founded in 2016, with their debut EP, a 6 tracks effort following a classic Death Metal path ranging from mid-tempo to fast paced rhythms, defined by generic riffs, annoying (to me at least) inhale vocals, damn synthetic drum-machine, and occasional Brutal Death Metal influences, but pretty blunt and outdated from my point of view.
Histos have an even more obscure sound, but somehow more organic (rehearsal-like) than Marana, offering the 6 tracks from their third EP, Deviation, out in 2015 as independent release. Old-school Grindcore with varied rhythms, based on simple but catchy guitar riffs, vocals trying out different tonalities (thing that leaves them somehow in a somehow joke-like experimental stage), a simple drum and bass section, so all in all not much to impress the listener with, but honest sounding after all. 
Not sure if any of these bands will break out of their local scene, but probably in live shows both of them are a good experience.
Reviewed by Adrian
Rating: 5/10   6/10

