Country: Germany
Title: Juggernaut
Label: Independent
Year: 2019
Style: Thrash Death Metal
If you look at the cover artwork you'll probably get a wrong impression on what you're going to get on this second album by Hamburg based Cryptobiosis; it suggests an '80's Heavy Metal release, but what we get is actually a traditional Death Metal with Thrash Metal influences. There's quite a lot of variety in these compositions, both in what concerns the rhythms and the harmonies as well; although overall we're treated with fast-paced and aggressive rhythms, some melodic and slower paced passages are perfectly fit in order to break any possible monotony. Actually there's a lot of melody coming from the guitar work, a technical melody I'd say, an old-school type of Death Metal a la Bolt Thrower / Benediction with serious Thrash Metal guitar work topped with exquisite melodic harmonies here and there. The crystal-clear production is also an advantage for the band bringing all instruments right in your face but somehow containing them in order to avoid abrasive sounds that might annoy the listener, a controlled brutality I'd say. Not sure what else they need in order to become more popular, but if they'll keep working this way I'm sure respect and acknowledgment won't leave them waiting for long.
Reviewed by Adrian
Rating: 8.5/10