Please tell us about the history of your band and its members
Bewitcher was conceived in February of 2013 with myself (M.- guitars/vox), and A. (bass/vox). In a drunken moment of clarity at an Enslaved show, I revealed to A. that I wanted to form a new band that was 100% rooted in old metal. The primary inspiration was to come from the early speed metal bands, NWOBHM, and the first wave of Black Metal. I started writing some riffs and before we knew it, we had nearly an entire album's worth of songs. It was like they wrote themselves...quite a (black) magical experience. : )
How would you describe your style? Which bands influenced your music?
We take our inspiration from Bathory, Venom, Motorhead, Celtic Frost, Mercyful Fate, Diamond Head, Candlemass. Anything with a classic heavy metal sound, and particularly the bands of the dark/occult variety are what get our blood pumping. The way we see it, metal basically reached perfection in the mid-1980's, so instead of trying to re-invent the wheel, we choose to revel in sonic purity, without shame and without boundaries!
Why should a metalhead buy your demos/albums?
Because we rule their asses!
What have you released so far and how were your releases received by the public/media?
Our first demo, "Satanic Panic" was released on 17 September, 2013. Our next one is currently in the works. So far, the reception has been excellent. Not surprising, considering our sound borrows heavily from the greatest bands that this genre ever produced. But it's very encouraging and we're extremely grateful for the support we've received thus far!
Do you play live as well? How's your live activity so far?
Live shows will happen early in 2014. After the second demo is completed, we will begin seeking out a permanent drummer. Bewitcher was conceived as a 3-piece in the grand tradition of many of the bands listed above, so we're just looking for that one missing link!
What should labels/zines/promoters know about your band? Why should they be interested in it?
Bewitcher brings the classic element that has been lacking for far too long in metal. There are a few bands here in the U.S. that are bringing it back in a big way, and we intend to be a major part of it. Promoters and labels (at least the bigger ones) tend to be all about the money, so we'll slay that giant when the time is right...
What plans do you have for the near future as a band?
More recording, live shows, fire, blood, leather and naked chicks!
Where can we listen to your band and where can we buy your stuff?
"Satanic Panic" is available for free download at, so go there and get it! Infernal Kommando Records ( will also be releasing it on cassette very soon. And remember to spread the word, for the love of Lucifer!
October 2013